C&c Generals Zero Hour Patch Old File Not Found

Some interesting things that i noticed; There is an event log entry blocking a driver that coincides with starting the game (can't figure out how to post images) It is blocking SecDrv from being loaded. SecDrv.sys is a driver file located in the CC generals folder. That's where i made the connection. EDIT: Details on the error: Entry 1: Event 7000, Service Control Manager The SecDrv service failed to start due to the following error: This driver has been blocked from loading Entry 2: Event 1060, Application popup The description for Event ID 1060 from source Application Popup cannot be found. Either the component that raises this event is not installed on your local computer or the installation is corrupted. You can install or repair the component on the local computer. If the event originated on another computer, the display information had to be saved with the event.

The following information was included with the event:?? C: WINDOWS SysWow64 drivers SECDRV.SYS the message resource is present but the message is not found in the string/message table. After spending 2 - 3 days on and off (and most of today) i got the game running on Windows 10 x64. After playing around with the driver, and it signature, enabling / disabling signature enforcement, i had the thought that the secdrv driver is actually related to the secure rom which is used to validate the disk and lock the game down (don't know how accurate that statement is.) Anyway, it occured to me that if that was the case, the game might work with a no-cd patch, and indeed it does.

C&c Generals Zero Hour Patch Old File Not Found

Hello,I have been having issues downloading the command and conquer generals zero hour update 1.04. I get and error saying 'old file not found, however a file of the same name was found. No update sin. Your problem is with a file called: game.dat when you installed c&c Generals Zero Hour a crack no cd with game.dat turned corrupt your install and not possible install 1.04 patch in order to fix that you need rewrite that old file not founded called: game.dat then try again with 1.04 patch you can download. Download Cinta Tak Mungkin Berhenti Secepat Aku Jatuh Hati there.

And it plays very well. The no-cd patch is not something i would normally use, but in this case it seems like it is the only way to make the game work. Recap: • Clean install of Windows 10 • Clean install of C&C Generals (non-origin install, original CD) • Install Zero Hour • Updated to latest patch • Used no-cd patch to bypass the secdrv driver error • Game works! Let me know if this works (or doesn't) for anyone else, or if you have other solutions.