Flex Sdk 3 5 0 Download Diya

Flex Sdk 3 5 0 Download Diya

Hi, I’m a student and I have a school project. I’m going to make android OCR for Korean Character Recognition. I would like to use tesseract android open source library. I have googled a lot how to build the libjpeg.so, liblept.so and libtess.so from the following Tesseract android readme file. I tried on cygwin and ubuntu, but both of them ended up with some errors.

While using Cygwin it said that no rule to make target, while using Ubuntu I succeeded in building libjpeg.so but while building liblept.so errors occurred which said that android/bitmap.h does not exist. Then I check my leptonica-1.68 folder, true there is no such folder and file. I downloaded bitmap.h from internet and put it under android folder but still the same problem. Can u help me out of this? The deadline will be 1 month and 30 days ahead for me to finish my project and the will be judgement day. Thank You for your attention Regards, Priska. Travel with See Say!

Image to Speech translator, take a picture and translate! An app for android that takes a picture, and speaks the text aloud, in any language:) I was inspired by a Ted Talk that mentioned that not too long ago, this technology was available for around $10,000.00, for the visually impaired. Technology has come so far that I am able to write this app and release it for $1.99 🙂 Similar to See Say – Picture to Speech, but the image recognition will translate from other languages to English. Pro Yakyuu Spirits 2011 Isosceles there. Also, gives option of Speech or Text, in case you don’t want your phone to speak (ie: in a university lecture:) GREAT for traveling! Imagine you are in a country and don’t understand the language, you can take a picture of a menu at a restaurant, and the items are read back to you in English! Hey Gautam, I tried following the steps listed by you in windows environment (using cygwin).

Note: These instructions are for Android SDK r19 and Android NDK r7c, at least for the time being (written at this tree). On 64-bit Ubuntu, you may need to install. Apr 19, 2016. 3 to 5 Nos, 2 pair. 6 to 10 Nos, 2 pair cable. The size of conduit shall depend upon no. Of wires to be drawn. However minimum size of conduits shall be 25 mm. B) All telephone wires shall be 0.71 mm dia annealed tinned copper conductor PVC insulated and PVC sheated cables.

However, I face this error after I do ndk-build: make: *** No rule to make target `//cygdrive/f/work/ocr_cc/newf/rmtheis-tess-two-1edb5e2/rmtheis-tess-two-1edb5e2/tess-two/external/leptonica-1.68/src/adaptmap.c', needed by `/cygdrive/f/work/ocr_cc/newf/rmtheis-tess-two-1edb5e2/rmtheis-tess-two-1edb5e2/tess-two/obj/local/armeabi/objs/lept//cygdrive/f/work/ocr_cc/newf/rmtheis-tess-two-1edb5e2/rmtheis-tess-two-1edb5e2/tess-two/external/leptonica-1.68/src/adaptmap.o'. I tried solutions mentioned at but with no luck. I strongly suspect that there is a path problem because if you look at the path in the error, it looks like it is a absolute path problem. Can you suggest any work around? Thanks, Vishwanath.

Please help i got this error. C: rmtheis-tess-two-1edb5e2 tess-two>c: MyWork android-ndk ndk-build Install: libjpeg.so =>libs/armeabi/libjpeg.so 'Compile thumb: lept. Is it just me or is the text recognition really poor using the tesseract API? I tried this and most of what I got was garbage (picture taken with 8MP HTC Evo camera, moderately good light conditions, printed text black on white). Even with rmtheiss’ Android OCR app, I got very poor results, plus its pretty slow.

Uploading the same image to Google Docs and using its OCR had way better results. I’ve been thinking about trying to use the Google Docs API to do OCR for me but not sure that’s a good idea, considering it uploads the file as a new google doc and that’s not what I want, I just need to be able to OCR it and then parse the text for key info, not save it.

I could set up my own server for cloud OCR-ing but I see no point in that unless I can get better OCR results. Any suggestions on how to make the recognition better? I tried building using ndk-build but it gives the follwing error. Install: libjpeg.so =>libs/armeabi/libjpeg.so make: *** No rule to make target `/home/sumit/Downloads/rmtheis-tess-two-0cddf3a/tess-two/jni/com_googlecode_leptonica_android/././/home/sumit/Downloads/rmtheis-tess-two-0cddf3a/tess-two/external/leptonica-1.68/src/adaptmap.c', needed by `/home/sumit/Downloads/rmtheis-tess-two-0cddf3a/tess-two/obj/local/armeabi/objs/lept//home/sumit/Downloads/rmtheis-tess-two-0cddf3a/tess-two/external/leptonica-1.68/src/adaptmap.o'. I working with Ubuntu Thanks in advance!! I have the same problem with you.