Lennie Tristano Transcriptions Pdf

Lennie Tristano Transcriptions Pdf

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Sep 24, 2012. In this week's lesson we are taking a look at Lennie Tristano, one of my favorite jazz pianists. Although he has somewhat of a cult status amongst jazz fans, Tristano's music has been making a resurgence over the past couple of years. This hilarious video mocks this recent resurgence and idol like worship.

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Chances are you're here for some Lennie Tristano transcriptions, and I have them here for you. As part of my Masters thesis I transcribed nearly all of Tristano's solos over the chords to All Of Me.

Tristano recorded this set of chords as several different names - Background Music is a melody written for the chords by the great tenor player Warne Marsh; I'm No Good Without You is a line from the lyrics, Momentum is just the same thing but without a melody, and Line Up is.well, Line Up. You know how it goes. I've transcribed 29 choruses and they're all here. I haven't transcribed the version of Background Music from the 1964 album 'Continuity' as I didn't feel it was representative Tristano, instead, all of these transcriptions come from the period 1949-1955. If you get any sort of use out of these at all, leave a comment:-).