Poison Clan Poisonous Mentality Rarity

Poison Clan Poisonous Mentality Rarity

This item also viewed. New: Various: Luke's Hall of Fame Vol 1 Audio Cassette New: Various: Luke's Hall of Fa $12. Devin The Dude Waiting To Inhale Rar Files. 96. Free shipping. Poison Clan- Poisonous Mentality- new/sealed cassette tape. Poison Clan- Poisonous Menta $5.00. Changing Faces - Self Titled (Cassette, Tape) WORKING Great Tested. Tracklist:a1jt's dreama2inside editiona3all they gooda4uzi gets shota5actiona6livin' in the citya7raymond up the roada8fugitivea9ho' storiesa10jt's confessiona11i hate ho'sa12drugz bullshittin'a13roug.

Poison Clan Poisonous Mentality Rarity

By J-Zone While subbing for a college professor a few months back, a question popped up in a class discussion: Is offensive or funny? Apparently people on campus were protesting the group being booked at an upcoming festival at the school.

Foxconn H I41 Uatx Manual Transfer. Rap deemed as offensive has always ground gears, but if we go back 20 years this stuff was also political ammo. Tipper Gore, C. Delores Tucker, Rev. Calvin Butts, etc.

- every utterance of “nigga,” “bitch,” “ho,” “bust a cap in his ass,” “don’t get caught up in a 187,” and “bend over for the God damn cracker” meant mo’ opportunities for folks like those to make statements and bolster some type of agenda in what was also an election year. No surprise then that some of rap’s most offensive and inflammatory albums dropped in 1992 - partly because controversy made headlines (and was the auto-tune of the day), but mainly because wide-spread political correctness and sensitivity toward others (while being cloaked in disingenuousness and ) was still light years away.

Kvisoft Flash Slideshow Designer Serial on this page. (Skrillex could've just said “Nigga, yo wobbles can’t fucks with mine. Yo bass game sound mad pussy, you arpeggiator-ass nigga!”) You couldn't issue an formal apology in 140 characters or less, either. I’ve chosen 10 uber-inflamatory albums (a few of which are unintentionally hilarious) from 1992 (or on the cusp of '91 and '92), aka 'the PMRC-era,' and pose the question: 'Would they still be controversial if released in 2012?' * Note: The views expressed in the songs below do not reflect those of ego trip or J-Zone. CLICK ON THE THUMBNAILS ABOVE TO READ AND HEAR THE LIST. Poison Clan - Poisonous Mentality Poison Clan MC J.T. Money had a knack for being lyrically adept when it came to garden variety misogyny – more so than labelmates and Miami predecessors, 2 Live Crew.