Windows 7 Ultimate Warez Forum

Windows 7 Ultimate Warez ForumWindows 7 Ultimate Warez Forums

Specs on main profile) because I'm done with windows vista's crap and slowness. My problem is, I'm saving up for a new computer on April 18 ( my birthday ) and I can't afford Windows 7 and the computer. I found a torrent that is Windows 7 ultimate 32/64bit with 'removeWAT' included. I have no clue what. You have not yet voted on this site! If you have already visited the site, please help us classify the good from the bad by voting on this site. Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you're looking for. PARADOX (PDX) is a warez–demogroup; an anonymous group of software engineers that devise ways to defeat software and video game licensing protections, a process known as cracking, which is illegal in most jurisdictions. They distribute cracks (software patches), keygens (key generators), and.

Getting away from Quantum physics etc etc there are some very good compression algorithms out there. Now the first thing before using any compression algorithm is to ensure the data is in it's original state (i.e uncompressed). If you are starting with a compressed file then your compression algorithm won't be 100% effective -- for example say we have a simple one that merely counts spaces - the compressed file won't have any (probably) so your compression file won't be any smaller. The next thing is to look for words and phrases which are very common per language. You can then devise some method for encoding these. Then there's a whole slew of stuff you can do but you do need the original data BEFORE compression. So for windows expand the CD say on to a spare directory.

Now as a first pass just try running your archiver against these files. The CAB files could be extracted and then try again.

I don't knw what the theoretical limit would be but given enough time and sophistication there could be some pretty good compression algorithms out there. NASA probably would be a good possible public source for this type of info -- after all sending commands to its Pluto mission spacecraft which take maybe hours to reach the vehicle and hours to get a response would ensure that the barest minimum of data required to get the job done would be sent. As for versions of Office -- there's a version of 2003 Office Lite (but Has the same contents essentially as the Student and Teacher edition of 2003) is out 'in the usual places' highly compressed at 73MB (MSOFFICE2003LITE_Pronto) around 12:1 compression. Windows 7 X-86 using the same algorithm at 12:1 could probably be squeezed down to 200 - 300 MB assuming original size is around 2.2GB (hope my maths is OK). Of course you'd have to expand and convert back to its original format before installing but should be 'do-able'. Cheers jimbo. As I pointed out - Commercial or public domain compression programs can achieve (in optimum situations) on average around 10 - 12:1 LOSSLESS compression.

So your 300 MB could expand to around 3.5 - 4GB ( or more) depending on the quality of the original compression algorithms. A text or word type document might give you as much as 90% compression. Why this stuff is causing so much mis-understanding I really don't understand. I'd imagine a load of people on this board are of an age where an Ipod is an every day acessory.

Typically you are listening to highly compressed AUDIO music encoded at say 128 kbs mp3. This type of stuff is much more compressed becuase it is 'LOSSY' compression -- it doesn't have to be expanded to the original format again. So the compressed files can be very much smaller than the original files as you can throw huge chunks of the original source file away. FLAC on the other hand is a LOSSLESS comprestion which is why the file size is much larger (can be up to 50% of the original so compression ration is only 1: 2) Same for Video -- the human eye can tolerate quite a large degradation in original quality from the original especially if its watched on a small screen so of course you can have much higher compression with smaller files. Now for DATA such as Windows - you need the original Windows files to be re-creatable from the compressed file. This means that the compressed file can't be a LOSSY compressed file.

- You need to be able to create an EXACT replica of the original data. A much harder task altogether. You can't compare compression of Video / Audio files with that needed by DATA files. (That includes programs, operating systems etc etc). Sam Cooke Live Copa Rarity. Cheers jimbo. Ok then I really thank for your help. Weird thing is that I downloaded windows seven for the first time a month ago and it was 340mb compressed and then when I uncompressed it, it was huge like 2.4gb O.o,,,,,,,,So go to where you got it from in the first place cos I'm sure IF it was available in the first place then it will be highly sought after so still there. Airtel Ovvoru Friendum Thevai Machan Song Free Download.

I will never believe office was compressed to 13 kb And also you will never get a full working copy of seven at 2-3 hundred meg regardless of how you think compression works. The people saying its not possible prolly didnt download enough warez. I downloaded God Father the game 430mb and extracted its setup to 6GB+ with winrar. And 280mb for NBA 2008, how? NehYeah but you should take into account half of the guts have been ripped out also, thats why they are called rips. I use warez more than most and the people who compress best are skullptura, shroo, toed and I can tell you a 2-3 hundred meg working copy of seven is not feasable. 13 kb office.