Jabber Download Folder Disappeared

Mar 28, 2017. If you don't want to modify the Registry yourself, you can download the zip-file below. Within it, you'll find ready made reg-files to set Skype, Skype for Business (Lync), Communicator or Cisco Jabber as the default IM application. Simply double click the correct reg-file to automatically set the value. Users are identified in Jabber contact lists and searches by their display name if one is configured for them in the End User Configuration window in Cisco Unified CM Administration. Number of packets lost. The Jabber Desk Phone Video Services Interface can be downloaded from Cisco. Veritas Storage Foundation Software Construction. com.

Jabber Download Folder Disappeared

I sometimes find the Java setup on my various Apple devices to be a mystery. Recently, I was trying to get a Java applet to run in the same way on 2 iMacs and my MacBook Air. The applet is a simple vpn client from Juniper that lets me access a Citrix Desktop from any Mac that I can install the Citrix receiver client on so I can work on 'Company stuff' from a large screen iMac when I'm sat at home or from my MacBook when I'm on the road (it works fine over 3/4G). The first thing is that you have to do of both Java and Safari to get the applet to run at all. Gigabyte 8trs400m Drivers here. Once that was all done, I could log in from all my Macs, fire up the applet and establish a secure connection.

On two of the Macs, as soon as I fired up the Citrix app, the Java vpn window would show 'error'. The console showed a Java crash. But on the third Mac, everything worked fine. I made sure that the Safari and Java preferences were set the same on each machine but still no joy. Then I remembered that I had done some Java development in the past and installed various jdks from Oracle so I ran: java -version in Terminal on each machine.

I keep everything up to date via the Java control panel (currently 1.7xx soon to be 1.8) so was surprised to see this: java version '1.6.0_65' That was on the working Mac. Then I remembered the difference between 'System' Java, Java plugins, and Java development kits. Simply put, you can have multiple versions of Java in different places.

What was happening on the not-working Macs was that the jdk versions were being used, and the Juniper vpn client won't work with them. To fix things for the moment I simply removed the jdk folders. Sudo rm -fr /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/* And then checked that the reported version of Java was 1. The Bonez Astronaut Rar Extractor. 6 on each Mac.

Web applets still use the up to date, secure version 1.7 plugin. [ crarko adds: I believe Oracle has said that eventually Java will no longer support applets at all, on any platform.]. A few weeks ago, a number of people started reporting having trouble with Siri. Phrases like 'Call my wife' or 'Tell my dad' stopped working.

Siri knew who those people were but proclaimed 'Uh oh, I don't have a phone number for Jane Isa Doe.' And beneath, there's a message: 'Content Not Available.' I debugged this for over an hour and on a hunch, found a workaround that seems to work for nearly everyone who has tried it. All you have to do is delete the middle name of the person in *your* contact card where it is stored as a relationship. I'm not sure why that works; it shouldn't, but it does.

That's why I call it a workaround instead of a fix. I figure Apple is mucking around with Siri and perhaps caused a bug or some sort of corruption. I'd be curious to know from MacOSXHints users whether they are experiencing this problem in the first place and if the workaround works for you, too. I'd also like to understand why this works and why the problem even exists.

I had tried a ton of suggested fixes for the issue before stumbling upon this work around. You can read more about it in my. In it, I link to the Apple discussion forums at the bottom, where people have been saying that this workaround fixes the issue for them. [ crarko adds: I find I already don't have middle names in any of my Contacts, so I've not seen this.

I wonder if something is going on at Apple's end, where the Siri processing gets done. Perhaps in preparation for iOS 8.]. As of August 29, 2014, Google has decided to intentionally break old browsers. They say it's not a bug, it's by design, even though Google's says it accepts Safari 4 as a fully supported browser. If you want Google searches to go back to the modern style, you need to change your User-Agent string. For Safari, enable the Develop Window and use an option in there that works. Internet Explorer 9 (Windows) works, for example.